- A's Covid Guidelines:
All members of the household must preferably leave the house during the time of the clean (Pets included), OR you must all be closed into one room/numerous within the home - Which the maid/s would then not enter.
All members of the household are to be well and not have had the coronavirus, or any kind of symptoms that relate to the coronavirus.
Cleans shall preferably take place on your regular day of scheduled cleaning to keep things as simple as we can.
Note For Existing Clients - We shall try our best to have your regular maid clean for you, But please note that no cover maid shall be allowed to cover your clean - due lowering the traffic in and out of your home, as well as the risk of cross contamination.
No maid or member of the A's team shall enter your home without your permission.
A set of Health and Safety preliminary questions are to be answered via email before any cleaning can commence. (This will not need to be re-completed,unless requested.)
Please note that payment will need to be made the day before your clean is due by 4 pm at the latest. (Due to the ongoing situation we are asking for payments to be made ahead of time - We hope you understand.)
Please note that you have the right to refuse entry to any maid or team member who is not following any suggested Health and Safety procedures set by A's Cleaning Maids.
Please ensure lots of antibacterial wipes are available for the maid to wipe down the following equipment at the end of your clean, this is to lower the risk of cross contamination.
Equipment to be wiped down - Hoover, Steamer or Mop and Bucket, All cleaning products used / touched.
Please can any illness that occurs suddenly within your home, be reported to Sarah Dobson the manager at A's Cleaning Maids, so we can confer on the appropriate action.
- Additional Guidelines as advised by GOV.UK:
Complete a COVID-19 risk assessment for the maids. This is being re-completed by Sarah Dobson the Manager at A's, as one for each maid has already been completed before entering your home for the first time since lockdown.
Clean more often where you can in between cleans. (I know this is a little difficult for some, and kind of a moot point :) - But if you are able to, it would be wonderful.
Ask your clients to wear face coverings. This is an additional optional for any clients who wish to do so, but is not mandatory all the time you are adhering to the 2 metre rule.
Make sure everyone within your home is social distancing with your regular maid (IE All members of the household must preferably leave the house during the time of the clean (Pets included), OR you must all be closed into one/numerous rooms within the home - Which the maid/s would then not enter)
Increase ventilation by keeping doors and windows open where possible and running ventilation systems at all times.
Take part in NHS Test and Trace. Again this is an additional optional, and not necessarily mandatory.
Avoid crowded areas. Identify busy locations in the house such as hallways and avoid moving through them at the same time where possible.
Limited food and drink contact. Maids unfortunately will no longer be able to accept drinks or food items from clients (however much I know this so appreciated by the maids, for the time being i'm afraid this will have to be put on hold) But for those who did offer food and drink - We'd like to thank you for the lovely gesture.
Whilst we are working in a household with people who are considered a higher risk client (IE - the Elderly, clients with health conditions or pregnant ladies) take extra measures to avoid contact will be taken, such as working in a separate room from them (per our original instructions) or atleast keeping 2 -3 metres apart.
Thank you for taking the time to understand all the readjusted rules and guidelines we have in place - we understand things are still very scary at the moment, and it means alot to us that you trust us to continue looking after you in your home.
As always our first priority is, and will always be the health and safety of our maids, and yourself and your family.
Thank you for your time, patience and custom.
Best Wishes - The Team